Guest blog by Sophie Letts at
If your anxiety is continuing to get the better of you, it’s time to connect with a licensed therapist who can help you find the tools you need to combat your anxiety. Connect with Patrick Ramsey of Ramsey Counseling and Coaching today to get started on a path toward healing. 432-222-0863

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If you suffer from anxiety attacks, you know the pain they cause can be overwhelming. You’re not alone, anxiety is a common affliction that affects almost 20% of the US population. That’s almost one out of every five people, and most of us know someone who struggles with this issue, possibly even a senior loved one.
There may not be a cure, but there are numerous ways to mitigate feelings of panic. Ramsey Counseling and Coaching shares the following guidance on ways to curb anxiety and prevent future attacks.
Often overlooked when dealing with mental health, nutrition is a cornerstone in preventing panic attacks. Simple fixes to one’s diet can make a profound improvement, and even eliminating caffeine can help improve symptoms. If you smoke, drink or use illicit drugs, these can exacerbate panic attacks. Not only do they compound the feeling of anxiety during tension-filled situations, but they also take away the mental control needed to combat an incoming attack.
Additionally, eating nutritious meals is an easy way to look after your mental health, as people tend to be happier when they eat quality food. Pay attention to how certain foods make you feel, and be sure to drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Exercise has been shown to increase energy and reduce anxiety, which could lower your chances of a panic attack.
Slow-paced activities, like yoga and Tai-chi, are helpful because not only are they strengthening, but they help you focus on your breath, which is a great tool when you find yourself on the brink or in the midst of a panic attack. Running or jogging can help as well, as these activities strengthen your mind, get you outside in the sunshine and increase your vitamin D, a nutrient that can lessen depressive symptoms.
To set yourself up for success, make sure to get enough sleep, as it can not only affect your mental health but a lack of sleep can decrease motivation and make working out more difficult and less enjoyable.
Professional Help
Another important step in treating and preventing panic attacks is to see a therapist. While there are many approaches to therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy could be particularly useful for those who suffer from panic attacks. CBT helps patients reframe situations in their minds, allowing them to better combat panic.
Find Your Joy
A great way to ward off anxiety attacks is to find a hobby or interest that can take your mind off whatever is troubling you — even for a moment. For example, if you have a job that’s high stress, finding something to counterbalance your feelings will not only help reduce incidents of anxiety attacks but can even make you more productive at work. And this hobby or interest can be anything you want! From reading a book series you enjoy, exploring different types of music, or even learning a new language or skill. The point is to find something that you genuinely enjoy, and then do it. You’d be surprised by how amazing you’ll feel when you’re doing something you love.
Speaking of Work
For many of us, work is a significant stressor that contributes to our anxiety. This is true across the hierarchy of an organization’s flowchart, from someone in the mailroom to someone in the C-suite. Since work is a fact of life, it’s important to address what’s causing your anxiety, and find ways to mitigate those problems. This can be talking with a supervisor to change your workload or schedule, or talking to HR about a co-worker who makes you uncomfortable.
Of course, ZenBusiness notes that you can also find ways to put your anxiety to work for you. Harnessing your anxiety can actually help you level up at work, and maybe even push you to reach your goals.
Address Your Space
Lastly, your home should function not only as your place of shelter but also as a refuge. If your space is cluttered, messy and disorganized, your home will actually contribute to your feelings of anxiety. To ensure your home is the sanctuary you need, spend some time reorganizing. Get rid of the unnecessary clutter that’s weighing you down, and take a few days to clean every nook and cranny. This type of refresh will add new life to your home, and it can quickly reduce or even eliminate stress and negativity that amplify your anxiety.
If your living space issues have to do with a noisy complex or a more dangerous neighborhood, make finding a new place a priority. It’s true there are pricey complexes in Fort Worth, but you can easily find a property in a neighborhood you like that offers a quieter change of pace. Most complexes even offer amenities like fitness centers and swimming pools, which you can put to good use for your exercise routine.
In the End
Panic attacks are an incredibly difficult affliction, and if you experience them, it’s not your fault. Panic attacks are also not a direct indicator of mental strength. By seeking the help of a therapist, eating healthy foods, exercising and getting enough rest, you can significantly reduce the severity and recurrence of panic attacks. And remember: Be sure to give yourself credit where credit is due; every step toward mental well-being is a step in the right direction.